It's a well-known fact that cleaning earwax with a cotton bud, although common practice, is not recommended and can cause damage to the ear. In fact there are some 7,000 injuries involving cotton buds in the UK, every year*.AUDICLEAN is a gentle ear cleansing spray. It is a safe and clinically proven way to disperse earwax.AUDICLEAN works in 3 ways:1. Cleanses the ear canal safely and effectively 2. Helps prevent the formation of wax plugs 3. Disperses earwax and helps extract obstructive wax plugs AUDICLEAN is made from 100% Sea Serum™, which is a naturally derived isotonic solution with no preservatives – therefore it's safe for regular use.Sea Serum™ is created from taking seawater from a naturally unique site in the Mont Saint-Michel Bay, in France. The patented filtration process cleanses the water but leaves beneficial minerals and bicarbonates.AUDICLEAN remains sterile between uses and, as it contains no gas propellants, is delivered at room temperature, for your complete comfort.AUDICLEAN should not be used if there is a history of ear problems, pain and discharge from the ear, a foreign body in the ear, perforation of the ear drum or if grommets have been inserted, without seeking medical advice
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